Birthstone January - Garnet

Garnet, the birthstone of January, is mined in a rainbow of colors. From the fiery orange of Mandarin Garnet to the rich green of Tsavorite Garnet and to the most widely recognized color of Pyrope Garnet, it is considered a great gift to symbolize friendship and trust. 

Garnet is a deep reddish brown color that can come in many different shades. The legend behind a Garnet is that in medieval times the stones were thought to cure depression and protect against bad dreams, almost like a dream catcher.

The history of Garnet gemstone has been found in jewelry from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Garnet is associated with pomegranate seeds and comes from the Latin word 'garanatus,' meaning seed-like. Garnet was one of the most popular gemstones used during the Victorian era. While garnet has been used in jewelry for thousands of years, it has only recently been used for industrial purposes over the last 150 years.

Symbolism: As a passion stone, garnet has been a longstanding symbol of love and friendship. If you are to be parted from a lover, give the gift of garnet. According to Greek mythology and the story of Persophone and Hades, garnet symbolizes a quick and safe return of love. It is also thought to symbolize the mending of wounds between lovers.

Healing: Over the years, lots of different healing practices have been associated with garnet. Some older traditions target physical ailments and some more widely used techniques target mental issues. Take these anecdotes with a grain of salt and don't let them replace medical intervention when needed. The redness of garnet has been linked with blood and has been used in treating a variety of skin, blood, and inflammation disorders throughout history.

As part of a healing tradition, red garnet has been used to alleviate depression and stimulate the heart. With the help of a crystal healer, the stone does this by dissipating old ingrained habits and thought patterns that are no longer beneficial. Garnet is often associated with the heart, which makes it an ideal stone for stimulating one's endurance, strength, and vitality.

Imagine wearing a mesmerizing stone that is named after the month in which you are born. People who are born in January can feel lucky to have a truly breathtaking stone named after their birth month. To signify the belonging of a child born at the beginning of the month, a garnet stone is used to depict his/her vibrant personality. It is a stone that symbolizes prosperity, peace, and good health. While some believe that it gives health, eternal happiness, and wealth, but there is no denying that it is a perfect gem that can captivate anyone with its sheer beauty.

Here are some of our great collection of Garnet's for the month of January

Also, look through the other Garnet collections here