Which gemstone wears the crown of Love?

It’s never to early to start planning your Valentine’s Day present! Find out which each gem means and how to strengthen your relationship with Mr. Right/ Miss Right.

There are specific gems and stones that balance and support loving relationships, especially between you and Mr. Right. Some of the more common stones can be placed in the bedroom, in a small decorative bowl or in a saucer on your nightstand by the bed. You can create a collection of a variety of complementary stones, too. Stones can be purchased as larger pieces for display, or they can be worn as beads in a necklace, bracelet, or ring and kept on your Relationship Altar in your offering tray when you are not wearing them.


Gems That Enhance Loving Relationships

Every gemstone stone is unique, each one believed to hold a different healing power, type of energy, or presenting a different form of luck. Certain gemstones are thought to be love stones, gems which can help bring love into your life by either encouraging a more loving state of mind, improving current relationships, or luring those we desire into our arms.

Opal is also said to be the stone of love. When worn close to the heart, this fascinating gemstone can revive a stagnant heart chakra and provide inspiration of love. The love that opal arouses can take on different forms. Unconditional 'gentler' love can be evoked through opal, as can fiery, sensual love

Rose quartz promotes romantic love as well as self-love and acceptance. It is the stone of forgiveness, humility, and patience. It teaches us to open our hearts and to be tender, peaceful, and gentle. This is a fairly inexpensive stone and can be worn as a bracelet or a necklace. When not being worn, place rose quartz by your bed for peace and serenity, or add it to your offering tray on your Relationship Altar. Tuck a piece of tumbled rose quartz into each of the four corners of your bedroom to encourage loving relationships in your life.

The luminous ruby is associated with romantic love and love of self. This is a precious stone and can be expensive. Ruby brings integrity, devotion, and happiness. It is said to strengthen both the physical and the emotional heart, bringing courage to the wearer. Confidence, vitality, stamina, and strength are all qualities associated with ruby.

Moonstone holds protective energy and is balancing for the emotions. It is known to attract love and affection, and when placed under the pillow at night it supports peaceful sleep.

Blue lace agate brings calming energy to a hectic life. It has a healing energy, strengthens intuition and inspiration, enhances communication, and combats envy and spite. It promotes love of self and understanding. Blue lace agates can be beautiful, decorative additions to a Relationship Altar, and tumbled stones are not expensive.

Lemon Quartz is said to alleviate negative patterns. It also helps with communication, lifts your spirit, and spreads positive feelings.

Amethyst enhances peace, understanding, and humility. It brings contentment, healing, happiness, and love. The larger stones can be placed on your altar. Wearing this beautiful purple stone calms the mind and opens the heart.

Pearl signifies purity and beauty, compassion, protection, and love. When used as jewelry it has a soothing influence on the body. 

Garnet is known to stimulate sex drive, improve feminine sensuality, and combat depression. Its fiery red shade is said to be symbolic of passion, inspiration, love and romance. Wear it as a necklace or add pieces of tumbled stones to the offering tray of your Relationship Altar. 

Kunzite supports calm and balance, and enhances good fortune and spiritual equilibrium. It is the stone for finding true love, harmony, compassion, and inner peace. Add a piece to your offering tray and carry a piece of it in your pocket.

Green jade is considered one of the most precious stones of the East. It strengthens love and happiness and fortifies the physical body. It is a stone of the heart, both physically and emotionally. It is said to fulfill dreams and encourage long life. Jade can be worn as rings, pendants, and bracelets, or it can be placed on your altar in a variety of shapes, from the shape of an egg, to spheres, to carved as animals or Buddha.

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