
Agate is a common rock formation, consisting of chalcedony and quartz as its primary components, consisting of a wide variety of colors. Agates are primarily formed within volcanic and metamorphic rocks.  Agates come in a wide range of colors, including red, blue, white, orange, pink, brown, green, yellow, gray, purple, and black. Whatever the color, most agates are translucent to some degree. Use a flashlight to back-light the stone and spot any translucent edges.

Agate is found throughout the world. Most agates occur in cavities in eruptive rocks or ancient lavas. These agates have a banded structure, successive layers being approximately parallel to the sides of the cavity.
Most agates occur as nodules in volcanic rocks or ancient lavas, in former cavities produced by volatiles in the original molten mass, which were then filled, wholly or partially, by siliceous matter deposited in regular layers upon the walls. Agate has also been known to fill veins or cracks in volcanic or altered rock underlain by granitic intrusive masses. Such agates, when cut transversely, exhibit a succession of parallel lines, often of extreme tenuity, giving a banded appearance to the section. Such stones are known as banded agate, riband agate and striped agate.
Agate is a stone mysteriously linked to health and balance by meta-physicians who carry it to help calm the wearer. If you are prone to excessive worry or are in need of a talisman of strength, agate is a great choice for promoting wellbeing. It also makes a stunning visual for home or office interior design. 
Check out the more interesting and different colorful Agates HERE